The Closing Ceremony of the English Programme for Home-Based Staff 2022

The Closing Ceremony of the English Programme for Home-Based Staff 2022

วันที่นำเข้าข้อมูล 28 Sep 2022

วันที่ปรับปรุงข้อมูล 28 Sep 2022

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               On 21st July 2022, Mrs. Thitiporn Chirasawadi, the Director of the Devawongse Varopakarn Institute of Foreign Affairs (DVIFA), presided over the closing ceremony of the English programme for home-based staff 2022.
               On this occasion, she delivered a congratulatory address to the participants who have successfully completed the training course. She emphasized that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs gives precedence to the home-based staff’s competency development, which led to this training course being established. The course aims to develop the participants’ language skills, in particular; speaking, listening, reading, and writing, to optimize their professional efficiency. Additionally, this course was purposely designed to boost trainees’ confidence when communicating or doing research in English in their field as well as when using language competence skills for assigned official tasks.
               Moreover, the Director encouraged participants to implement their skills, knowledge and experience gained on the course to work and achieve their goals more efficiently. Furthermore, she urged the participants to apply for scholarships (to take further training courses and/or higher degrees) which will be awarded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. She also encouraged the participants to continuously practice and improve their English, using various online platforms that can be easily accessed, as part of their life-long learning.
               The 114-hour English Programme for Home-Based Staff ran every Thursday from 3rd March to 21st July 2022 under restrictions during the coronavirus outbreak, which meant that training took place in a hybrid format.
               Finally, trainees who meet the Institute of Foreign Affairs' criteria will be registered for further training in the English language workshop program at the Regional Language Center (RELC) in Singapore.


