วันที่นำเข้าข้อมูล 24 Aug 2020

วันที่ปรับปรุงข้อมูล 30 Nov 2022

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Devawongse Varopakarn Institute of Foreign Affairs (DVIFA)

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) has been involved in the training and testing of personnel since 1962. As the scope of the unit’s responsibilities widened from in-service training to include officials from other Thai government agencies, the status of the original unit was elevated to that of Institute of Foreign Affairs.

In 2006, His Majesty the King graciously granted permission for the Ministry to include the name of His Royal Highness Prince Devawongse Varopakarn, who served as Thai Foreign Minister for 38 years (1885-1923) and is remembered as the Father of Thai Diplomacy, in the name of the Institute.

The Institute’s work is continuously expanding in terms of the variety of training offered and testing services provided.


Training is focused on the study of diplomacy and foreign affairs as well as the development of language and communication skills. Apart from MFA personnel, the DVIFA provides regular as well as customised programmes to meet the training needs of both Thai and foreign diplomats, civil servants, college students and the general public.Training takes the form of programmes and courses, lectures, presentations, seminars and workshops.

Testing Services

The DVIFA started its English language testing services in 2002. Since then the average number of test takers has increased steadily each year. We expect this rising trend to continue.

Upon request, the DVIFA also assists agencies, through its language testing services, in administering speaking tests for high level recruitment processes.

For the past four years, the testing unit has been working on the development of a new English language test, which is known as the DIFA TES. The new test will replace the practical and academic versions of the DTEC Test in 2015.

To find out more, please go to Background (FAQ).